My name is Brian. I have created a platform for others, who like me, are ready to start a path towards a healthier lifestyle.

A community that engages on health, finance and an overall better life.

My hope for this platform is that it can help to engage and provide resource or conversation on how to push ourselves to work towards a healthier lifestyle.

I have spent most of my career operating small business’. I’ve set myself on a path to become “successful”, realizing recently that I may be misguided by what that actually means. My outlook has changed since reading, learning and engaging in the FI (Financial Independence) community, but there is a void and I need others here to help fill it. My hope is that I can help connect others who are seeking real world advice from real world folks like myself and others in this network. Everyone has skill, so why not utilize each other to help put ourselves on a successful path together!

Our Community

Each of our personal goals may be slightly different, we can start by defining what it is we are looking to achieve. We all have different outlooks and experiences, which I know can help each other towards success.

Where to Begin?

Where do we even start? With so many options and opinions its very hard to find a starting place, especially if you do not have a community to help guide and push you towards your goals. Are you wanting to become more financially independent but do not know where to begin? Are you wanting to hear different ways to get motivated around your eating habits or physical fitness routine? Let’s begin that conversation!

How to join?

Sign up at the bottom of the page and I will reach out. Let me know where you’re at in your stage of life and where you want to be going.

If you’re listening, reading and looking for a place to begin. A place to thrive and explore how to push yourself to become healthier or better your finances or even just to talk about your experiences and get some advice from others like you, then you’ve made it to the right community.

This blog was not created to teach or coach, rather this is a gathering for like minded folks who want to better their lifestyle, together.

Written By Brian Munn