Where do we even start?

So many times, I find myself thinking, strategizing and wondering. What is my path, how do I get there and where do I even start?

I am starting this blog for the “average” person, in hopes to begin a journey towards a healthier lifestyle with practical goals to achieve financial independence and an overall healthier lifestyle. I understand now that I cannot do it alone and I need a community to help keep me on track, if there are enough people like me then we can create this open forum and begin this journey together and give and take advise as we go along, sharing stories from our real-world situations helping to mitigate a lot of the struggle of not knowing how to “get in”.

If you’ve ever said or thought “where do I start?”, then believe me, you are not alone. As far back as I can remember, I have been setting goals for myself to try and get ahead, whatever that even means. I first began down this path back on my quiet street as a child trying to rack my brain around how I can make some money so I can afford some candy after school. I started by knocking on my neighbor’s doors and asked if I could take their bottles and cans so I could recycle them for money. Fast forward to today and I still find myself looking for answers, trying to start side hustles or just pick up that second weekend job. I can tell you; it hasn’t worked.

With so many options and opinions out on the market, especially coming from accomplished entrepreneurs and investors, it makes it hard to hear what they are telling us and be able to take that advise and apply it in our world. I find myself saying “that’s all great and sounds easy, but where do I even start?”. I have read a handful of books now, as I’m sure others have as well, from rich dad poor dad to millionaire next door. I’ve probably clocked in over 100 hours of FI, marketing and economics podcasts, I’ve even opened an LLC to try and purchase a local small business with an SBA loan, like so many accomplished entrepreneurs have suggested we do. Sadly, but not surprising, things are much more difficult than how they make it seem. I don’t want this to seem like I am ungrateful for all of their insight that they have provided, but to be perfectly honest, they seem so far from where they began, and it makes it hard to relate to what they are saying especially when you begin to try and apply their advice in my world.

With all of that being said, let’s try and answer the million-dollar question, where the heck do we even begin? Let’s start here and I will be the first to put up what I have done to begin this journey to a healthier lifestyle and finances. The first thing that feels easiest without much effort is going to have to be the increase on my employer retirement fund. We have your classic 401k match dollar for dollar up to 3% and half up to 5%. I had it set to the minimum which was 5% to get the free money from my employer, that put me at only 9%. I’ve increased it to 11% for now and my goal is to up it 2% every 3-6 months, until I reach 20% total contribution. I also have a small amount going to a college fund for my two kids, I started a little late for one, so I have it a little more increased at the moment. It still is only 3.5% of my total income after tax. These are my first steps; I want to hear from anyone else who reads this about what you have tried or want to try to begin your journey. Let’s set goals and talk about our easy successes and current goals to help keep each other on the correct path forward.

Until next time, thank you for hanging out and chiming in to help create a healthier life for this new community.


What fits my lifestyle?