Beginning your day right?

I believe this is a huge advantage to staying clear on your target. But what does this mean exactly and how does it look different for each of us?

I want to start off by saying, I am not a morning person. I hear this a lot by people close to me, “it’s easy for you, you enjoy being up early.” You would be correct in that I do enjoy being up early, but let me be very clear, it is not easy. I have to drag myself out of bed in the morning just like everyone else, it’s miserable sometimes. But I do it because I know I can set the tone for myself for the day. I find a lot of clear thinking happens in the morning and allows for me to adjust my attitude or motivate myself to “get back on track”, if that’s what I need.

Here is what I do after waking up and hitting my alarm seven hundred times; DO NOT go directly to your phone or directly to the coffee pot. Go get ready first! Brush your teeth, your hair, get on your clothes or whatever it is you need to do to set the tone. For me, I like to get ready and put on comfy clothes because I know I am going to make myself get on the yoga mat before I get ready for work. I think it is important to set out your morning first, before you begin to indulge in things. If you’re going to stretch, get out your mat. If you’re wanting to take a walk, get out your shoes and have your proper attire on. If it is reading, or podcast or blog, then get out your computer or whatever you need and set it up. After you set your morning up, go get that coffee or tea! I find this super helpful, it ensures that after I start sipping my coffee I have something I need to go do, it’s almost like I can’t skip whatever it is now since it has already been laid out on my schedule for the morning.

Why is this important and what does it have to do with goals?

Well I can tell you that I never used to do this, I would get up and go straight to work, always feeling stressed or rushed even though I did not need to be in early. I made myself begin this process and forced myself to get out of bed much earlier because I knew that things needed to change. I wanted more in life and I wasn’t going to accomplish anything if I didn’t find at least an hour before spending the rest of my day at work. Now I get at least 15 minutes every morning of stretching and yoga, and another 15 to 30 to work on my goals, learn or blog. It has helped me tremendously with my mindset as well. I take the quiet time to gather my thoughts and work on breathing exercises to help with the stress of the days that are behind me.

I think you will be surprised with how much more clear your path will become, just by giving yourself that time in the morning to be healthy and productive.

Again, thank you all and I hope to hear from you soon!


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