Complain or Move Forward?

I find myself grappling with this from time to time. I find myself complaining about things that bother me that someone else has done, whether it be something that they were successful in, and I’m probably just projecting my jealousy, or whether they did something that hurt me in some way. In my work as a leader I have to be more resilient and teach ways on how to not let the little things affect us, but I still struggle with the very thing I tell others to do.

I believe this is because it is very hard to manage our emotions in the moment or really at all when it comes to what is happening to us personally. It is very hard to think outside of ourselves and wonder what this other person is going through and how I can find compassion to move past the poor choice of words and realize that I cannot change others, only can I change myself and how I let these words or whatever it is, affect me. Sometimes when we hear about someone else’s success, we tend to immediately try and form an opinion on how they were able to achieve it and why it is more difficult for us in our situation, and honestly, this may be true. But the reality is, this does not help us in any way, to be affected by this or to try and place a narrative on how they made it and why it was easy for them. We say “but I have all this other shit standing in my way right now”. It truly holds us back and I am terribly at fault for this all of the time.

I started this platform and community because I want to rid myself of these types of thoughts, so to try and move forward. I know myself though and know that I need some folks around me to hold me accountable and cut through the BS! I’m going to try and keep sharing my faults in hopes to hear about others as well.

Until next time, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!


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