Controlling Change?

“God grant me the serenity to to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This is probably one of the bigger most impactful quotes that I try to apply to myself on the daily. If there is anything that I can’t seem to tell myself enough, is that sometimes we can not control our situation, only how we respond or react to it. Change can be hard, being fluid and ready is an important part of the journey, trust me I know.

I recently went through I major change in my life, an accident that has now left me in a situation that is out of my control and I have to adjust to this new change. My first instinct was to be angry and blame myself, which I think is a common thing that will happen. I’m not one to spend too much time dwelling on the situation I am in and want to move on quickly, seeking some kind of mental relief from thinking too much on what may become my new normal. This particular situation has demanded that I slow down and take the appropriate time to heal adjust and work through my new challenges, in a way creating the very thing I’ve been needing to reflect properly on my life.

As always, saying is much easier than doing, especially when it comes to change or doing hard things or starting something new. This is not something that I have mastered at all, but something that I continue to talk with myself about. I try to remember this quote or give thanks or journal my thoughts when I find myself getting stuck or frustrated or whatever. Finding a routine is definitely the best start to overcoming obstacles in our daily lives. Begin your day off right, reset your mind and remember that there are some things that you just cannot change, move forward and try to make some progress.

Finding courage to start a new project, business or workout routine is something that is also very difficult, or at least to stick with it. How many times have you said “we should start a business” or “I’m going to eat a little healthier and workout more”, probably more than once. I’ve talked a little about this on other blog’s, but I find it helpful to not be so difficult on myself. I push myself really hard and try to make sure I hit my morning routine no matter what. But when I have to miss it because life get’s in the way, it’s important to not to let that create a feeling of guilt or stress which can discourage you. Just focus your energy on giving thanks for what you have been able to accomplish and find your way back to the path the next time you are able to.

When embracing the meaning of this quote, I’ve come to realize that our journey in life is a delicate dance between acceptance, courage, and wisdom. The unexpected turns and challenges may initially seem daunting, but it is in those moments that we find our true strength. Through the ebb and flow of change, I’ve discovered the resilience within myself to not just endure, but evolve. As I begin to navigate this new chapter in my life of healing and adjustment, I will remember to carry this quote and do my best to seek acceptance of things that are beyond my control, the courage to be brave and transform myself the the things that are within my grasp, and the knowledge to find the difference. I find myself adapting, growing and embracing this unique journey I now call my new norm. May we all find a little serenity, courage and wisdom to help navigate us through this unique journey we all call life.


Small Steps.

