Leaving it in the Past.

Life’s a journey, as they say, and because it is we tend to find ourselves tethered to our past experiences, both positive and negative. It is good to be mindful of this because holding on to the past can sometimes hinder our abilities to move forward and allow ourselves to grow.

Let’s explore the power of leaving it in the past and embrace the power of moving on and creating a brighter future.

Carrying the weight of past traumas, mistakes or regrets can be emotionally taxing and affect our physical health, drastically. If we allow these emotions take hold of us, anxiety can grow and we tend to become stuck. Allow yourself to sit and remember the past, acknowledge the weight of these burdens and do your best to work through it in your mind, remind yourself that you are through it and it does not control you anymore. You are in control and you alone have the power to move past it, but the first step is us recognizing the problem and dealing with it on our terms.

The next crucial step in this process is acceptance and forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean condoning past actions, but rather releasing the hold it has on our lives. It is a powerful tool to put yourself in control of the situation. Acceptance is a necessary action that gives us the power over the situation, acknowledging the past and allowing us to move to forgiveness.

Holding on and dwelling on past mistakes or trauma’s is one of the biggest contributors to my anxiety. I try to really focus on these events and play them in my mind, once I have it, I take control and continue to remind myself that what is done is done and what happened happened, there is no changing it. It’s time to move on from these events and focus now on more important events in our lives. It’s time to put the past to rest and give yourself some praise for tackling the struggles that life throws at us. We will never forget and we shouldn’t, but you can forgive yourself and leave it in the past now.


A line drawn.


Small Steps.