
This is not going to be about my personal health and what I think you would need to do to optimize yourself. I want to just bring up some topics that I’ve been hearing and what I think about it all. I will put some podcast links at the bottom that I use for health optimization.

A little about me. I have spent the past 15 years in natural, organic & health foods in one way or another. I have also held an EMT certification and was in school working towards becoming a nurse. Instead, I switched and went to culinary school in San Francisco. I obtained my culinary degree and started working towards becoming a chef. Prior to that, I worked in natural and organic foods. After working for a few years in culinary I decided to go back to working in the natural and organic foods industry. I have also been a big believer in the whole foods lifestyle for myself and my family. I do a lot of research on my own, utilizing podcasts, blogs, books and people around me in the natural foods business that have access to knowledge and resources.

There is a mess of people out there that have so many opinions about health, dieting or whatever. With social media now, it seems it comes at you from every angle; should we be vegan? Is broccoli bad? Only eat red meat! How do you navigate all of this? Thats what I find myself saying all the time. It’s hard to move through all of the muck and cobwebs to try and find your way to some kind of normalcy and eat without feeling bad about it. Should I be standing in the sun every morning and then jumping into an ice bath and if I don’t I won’t sleep right, or I will die sooner? I can’t have coffee until 90 minutes after waking or it will make me drowsy later in the day and mess with my sleep. All of these little things rolling around our heads because there is so much information and studies coming out, so we have influencers taking bits and pieces and just running with this stuff.

Honestly, I just look back at what I saw from my Grandparents. My Grandma would drink a pot of coffee at night while laughing with family until late in the evening. My Grandpa ate tuna out of a can everyday for lunch. They both lived in to their 90’s. Now, I am not claiming anything with this and maybe they would have lived longer if they just did their ice bath every morning and stared into the sun for 10 minutes when it was rising? I doubt it. I am just thinking that maybe we get too caught up in this or that and it may just be adding more stress to our lives, which in my opinion is probably a lot worse than the benefit of an ice bath. For me, I am going to listen and soak up as much knowledge as I can from these doctors and professors, but just remember that you will be fine even if your lifestyle doesn’t fit all of these tasks. Find what works for you and your schedule and do the best you can. Stretch a little in the morning, tell yourself how amazing you are and laugh with your friends and family.

Metabolical - Book

Andrew Huberman - Podcast

Modern Wisdom - Podcast



