
To start, there are only two real fears that are embedded in us, the fear of falling and the fear of abrupt loud noises, the rest we make up.

Most of the time we allow our emotions to run wild and tell us lies when they are based in fear. It can be very difficult to keep this unchecked and follow that path. I know that I have victimized myself and allowed for fear based decisions to guide my way, leading me to make unwise or unneeded decisions. I will be the first to admit that most of my life has been this constant overthinking and overanalyzing of things or situations, making it impossible to make a proper decision, or any decision for that matter. It’s easy to give yourself one reason or another to not do something or make some change in your life, when you know full well in the back of your head that you need to just make the decision or just do the tough thing that you are facing. We have doubt and fear lingering all over us, overanalyzing the situation to try and find a way out, lost in the confusion of the fast past society we live in today. I’m sure you’ve come across so many life coaches or advocates saying something similar that I am now, it’s very easy to sit here from my situation and say “just go do the thing, get it over with”, but I know that it is much more difficult then that. I am faced with difficult and challenging decisions everyday, making wrong ones left and right or procrastinating it all together. This is partly why I wanted to start this blog and hope to find others like me, struggling to find motivation or ways to jump start this ability to move through life with a little more confidence and ease, but I know that doing it with a community, having others to call on or ask for help, is a tremendous way to make it happen.

Don’t let fear stand in your way, don’t let overthinking hold you back and take time to look around you and see how much progress you have made. Take pride in your wins and learn from your losses, give thanks to what you have and what you have accomplished. We spend a lot of time looking forward at what is next that we never enjoy the small wins we make along the way.




Giving thanks.