Giving thanks.

With so many problems we face, drama in our lives, fiscal responsibilities, social and societal pressures, it is healthy for us to remember to give thanks.

Recognize that this is life, and we need to remember to give thanks for the things that have brought us joy along the way. There is much to be thankful for, like the struggles you’ve been faced with and overcome, your family, friends and community you have, your health, your life and your freedom.

I know it can be hard at times and we can get so focused on the past traumas, which can lead our emotions, our decisions and sometimes even cause us from pursuing our goals. I can be the first to admit that I let the past hinder me from progressing at times. It is important to reflect on our past traumas, but to use this as a learning opportunity to help up grow, not something to cause us to become paralyzed. I would bet that everyone has said or did something that they regret and wish they could change the past. The problem is we can’t, and allowing this past regret to hold us back is only making matters worse for yourself. Try to reflect and forgive yourself, move on and do what you can to learn from that situation to make yourself better prepared for the future.

Giving thanks will help you recover from situations you wish could have been different, knowing you can’t change the past. Give thanks each morning and let it be a reset, recover from the past trauma and move forward with each new day.




What are you running from?