What are you running from?

Do you ever feel as though you are in the wrong place and you belong somewhere else? An imposter feeling or a deep feeling that you are meant for something else?

I struggle with this from time to time, like I should be in a different job, in a different location, longing for purpose and belonging. I think this is okay, a fine feeling to have and to express often. It can lead us down a certain path that could be destructive if we are not careful. We should value our thoughts, because it probably means that there is something going on in our surrounding that we are not okay with, some kind of change that we are looking for. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are in the wrong job, or with the wrong friends, but it may mean that there is something within your lifestyle that you would like to change. Maybe something we are not doing, a task at home that needs to be completed or a position at work or elsewhere that we really think we would be good at, but have not yet felt the ability to go for.

We should not let the fear of failing or the fear of the unknown hold us from persuing our next chapter in life. If you are feeling stuck, you are not alone, but you are the only one who can change it. Be bold, go after it and know that you are not the only one trying to achieve those next steps. Progress will come to those who step forward and allow themselves to be vulnerable. Take each failure as a learning for the next step and your success and belonging will come. I will be the first to tell you that I am fearful everyday in my career, fear of failing or not being “good enough”. The imposter syndrome is real, but we all can overcome it if we make the effort. Do not let the dark voice in your head take over your confidence and boldness, sometimes we have to just do something without thinking too much about it. If you fail, then the worst outcome is that you are right where you were, the best outcome is you achieved another goal.

Take pride in yourself and take care of others along the way.


Giving thanks.


Struggle with Motivation?