Struggle with Motivation?

This is the biggest dream killer, or we could say dream pause-er? Taking a pause on your path to health, finance or whatever it may be, is a perfectly fine thing to do.

Now where can we pull motivation from to get back on track? This is something that is going to be personal and may differ from person to person. I can only speak to my journey and what I am doing to get back on track and not feel defeated by all of the push backs that life seems to constantly feed you.

One of the biggest motivation killers for me is work. I let it consume most of my energy, mental energy that is, but I have to remember the goals and outcomes that I am seeking. Some folks have that hunger at night to get charged and knock out some projects or a workout, but for me I get that in the morning. If I miss a morning then probably it is not going to be a very productive evening after work. I try and get up as early as I can without it affecting my sleep, as long as I’m getting 7 to 8 hours I think that is enough. Having a routine has made things much easier for me, it almost seems that if I do not start my coffee first thing and then throw out the yoga mat then things feel off.

That is just the beginning though, doing a quick morning workout to get the day started will help my health overall, but what about projects that need finishing or financial gains? To be honest it is tough trying to figure out what the next step we should take and that is where I find my motivation begins to fade. What I have done is written out my overall goals. When I start to get lost in all of the analytics, I try and pull out my goals and go through them again, then check that with progress and see where I’m at. If I am behind, like credit card debt is not getting paid down as quickly as anticipated, then I make notes on why that is happening. Increased tax on the house that was not in the budget maybe? Yeah that will kill a month or two.

I think we need to remember that as long as we have our goals set and we truly want to see them through, then we just keeping making small steps toward them. If we waver, try and write down what happened this past month or two that set you back. Talk yourself through it so you are not left with a bad taste in your mouth and putting yourself down, because that’s not going to make anything better.

Until next time, thanks for being a part of the community!


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